If you are just one of these people for whom Apps are just not enough to make you more productive (and I am one of them!) you might like to look through some of our latest additions design to make you or someone you know more organised and therefore more productive.
Organising Papers
The paperless office has never happened, and we all still have pile and piles of documents, bills, statements, instruction manuals, diaries etc. stuck up in the corner of our home office/study.
The average American wastes 55 minutes a day (roughly 12 days a year) looking for things they own but can’t find (source Newsweek) -– are us Brits spend even longer?
So the answer is to get it all organised!
Organising Stationery
Look at your desk – how many items can you count?
Organising Refreshments
W work better if we are well fed and watered
Organising Desk
Well organised desk and a good solid chair are essential for your wellbeing.
Context depended learning
Organised Relaxation