Getting overwhelmed by paperwork? We have all been there...
It seems obvious but most of us do not differentiate between paperwork we get, we just put in onto one pile (usually a big one!) and plan to deal with it when we have a minute … Sounds like you? Certainly, it is me, or rather was me until a few months ago when I started my own business and without getting organised I would not have gotten very far.
I started getting more and more papers and realised that majority was NOT important but I ended up spending as my time dealing with these as with documents that are crucial i.e. HMRC, Companies House, invoices etc. This is when I decided enough is enough!
Firstly I sorted through all paperwork I had, categorising documents into 5: URGENT – to be dealt with in the next day or so, Bills: usually paid by direct debit but good to see if there are better offers, Expenses, Information, Filing.
To do this I used a set of 5 Stackable Grey Letter Trays with Stylish Coloured Contours, which made the job much easier.
After that, I used two Stylish Grey Box Tower Home Office / Study Organiser Storage Units to organise various documents into separate draws, also creating a system where everything had its labelled place including copy paper, pens, sticky notes etc.etc. These Drawers are brilliant, just see how many awards they won over the years.
And this is when I came up with the system - 3 easy steps that will help everyone get a little bit more organised.
1- Categorise
Categorise your documents as soon as they arrive, our Stackable Letter Trays are perfect for doing this;
2 – Organise
Organise documents into different compartments with our Drawer Box Tower Organiser Storage Unit so you can get your hands
3 – Systemise
Systemise by labelling each drawer so you and everyone else knows where things are and where to put them back – no excuses!
Our Solutions
And to help you to organise, systemise, arrange, categorise, declutter and put your paperwork in order for a limited time* you get a FREE set of 5 Letter Trays worth £39.99 with your order of any Tower Drawer Organiser Boxes, just use code LTFREE at the checkout or click on the image below, which will take you to a pre-populated checkout.
*offer ends the 15th of May 2018